Secrets # 17

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********** Superbeing Secrets # 17 ************

Discover the Secret Key to Paradise - Heaven on Earth by Roger Haeske: Raw Foods and Motivational Coach

I have to share with you something very important to me. I've discovered something that makes my life a heaven-on-earth. I can't believe how happy I feel all the time. Just ask the people who spend any amount of time with me and they say I always have a smile on my face. This Secret Key is extremely important. It could change everything about your life. It certainly has for me and many other people.

So I want to share with you this Secret Key and implore that you consider doing it in your own life, if you aren't already doing so. Most of you know of this key already. But I bet many of you are not using it or not using it to it's fullest extent. I've even made some recent modifications that made my results unbelievably better. I have the utmost gratitude for what I've discovered, and I wish more people could free themselves from their current state of consciousness that will not allow for this in their lives.

This is literally a present from God. A gift that mankind has neglected for a long time, due to ignorance of God's plan for us. Unfortunately, you can't know what it feels like to use this Secret Key until you actually use it. You might think you know what it feels like, but you won't. It also may take some time and struggle, but once you get it you never want to go back to that dimmed and painful way of living.

Below, I'll tell you more about how this has affected me and I hope that at least some of you will see the light and take action in this regard.

Thanksgiving and Gratitude:

This past weekend we had a wonderful raw food potluck Thanksgiving get together with about 50 people. Before we ate, we all spoke about what we were thankful for.

I want to share and elaborate on what I am most grateful for at this point in my life.

I'm so thankful for how peaceful and happy I feel almost all the time. The other day I was getting into my car and felt so calm and relaxed. I had such a physical sense of ease that I never felt in my younger years. I felt like I didn't have any tension in my body anywhere. It was total relaxation and ease. This is how I feel almost all the time.

It's that my body is so healthy and vibrant that I'm just happy in doing the everyday things. I'm naturally tuned in spiritually as well, with no effort. Life never used to be this way for me.

I have a level of energy, fitness, serenity, happiness, efficiency and youthfulness that I never had before. People often think I am 10 years younger than I really am. In fact, I never even knew what true health felt like. It was only possible to feel this level of health once I started the Diet of the Superbeings: The Raw Food Diet and, most importantly, did it correctly. Doing it correctly can make all the difference in the world.

Many of you have received my free Awesome Technique Report. I've gotten several testimonials from people who have used this technique with success in their lives. Lately, I've been working with many people who want to live the raw food lifestyle. I also know that some of you believe that nutrition has nothing or very little to do with your state of mind and even your health. Some of you may have read the report and even felt wow, that is great, but I could never eat like that.

Well I'm writing to say that eating a raw food diet is much easier than you think, and that you can't experience the deepest levels of health, energy, serenity and youthfulness without it.

In fact, a properly done Vegan Raw Food Diet can do much more than what I've mentioned so far. There are more than 35 mind-blowing benefits to the Raw Food Diet. You'd probably think I was lying to you if I were to tell you all of these benefits, but they are true. The longer I do the diet, and the more people I meet who have done it, the more benefits I've discovered.

In the next two paragraphs I include a quote from the famous Prof. Arnold Ehret from his special report, A Religious Concept of Physical, Spiritual and Mental Dietetics. Prof. Ehret was a major proponent of the raw food diet and fasting. He believed that fruits were our ideal food and that all disease was due to a constitutional encumbrance throughout the body. The major component of this encumbrance was mucous and the sticky substances that civilized Western man eats on a daily basis.

"It had long been my desire to conduct a school dedicated to the teaching of the physiological transformation of man; a new generation thru the total elimination of every possible disposition for any 'disease' what-so-ever! A new type of man of Paradisiacal health, wisdom, beauty, happiness, of unchanging youth!

This was to be the key to Paradise, the passage to a heaven on earth, this was to be a life of distinction - no more loss of hair, no decaying of teeth, wrinkle free, virile, mentally alert, no more pre-senility, a new God like man beyond the possibility of disease, and an aspiration for a longer-life with unlimited efficiency and endurance. Our goal may well encompass all of these muchly desired attainments!"

I've visited some religious groups that don't believe in going to doctors, nor in nutrition as a cure for disease. I suppose their cures are more spiritual. Nevertheless, I must say I didn't see many people in glowing health there. Instead, I saw quite a few sick looking people there bent over with traditional old age diseases. It was quite obvious that a number of people there were not enjoying good health.

I think some religious and spiritual groups just want to ignore the reality of the physical world. You can't keep putting poisons into your body and then hope that God will bail you out. God gave us fruits and that was our Key to Heaven on Earth.

How could anyone who is unhealthy really enjoy life? I can't imagine living as I used to live. I have a new and glorious life. Life is such a pleasure now, and I don't have to work at it to be vibrantly happy.

Some of you will say, "I'm already happy, so why should I change my diet." That is a good point. Different people get affected differently by consuming a toxic, and overly processed diet. Some people get fat, some get arthritis, some become moody or suffer depression. Some experience a lack of energy (chronic fatigue syndrome). Even the American Medical Association recently claimed that nearly 80% of all diseases are diet related.

You could and would be much happier and certainly much healthier than you are now, even if you already feel pretty good. There are people who say, "My grandfather lived to 100 and smoked all his life." Maybe he would have lived to 120 had he not smoked. Maybe he would have had more endurance and fewer wrinkles as well.

You name the disorder and it most likely has mostly to do with eating cooked foods or being exposed to the myriad toxins in our air and environment. I always thought smoking was bad for you, but I think cooked food is much worse. Cigarette smoke doesn't take up as much volume in the body as cooked food toxins. Cooked food goes throughout your whole body. For more on this comparison please read this interesting and scientifically documented article:

There's always some kind of study saying that people who eat some kind of food have less cancer or heart disease or whatever. But what if we ate only the foods that God meant for us to eat? We would do much better than the people who eat nuts in their diet but still eat Wonder Bread.

Scientists in Sweden have recently proven that carbohydrates cooked at high temperatures contain toxic levels of a known carcinogen: Acrylamide. The levels of this toxin are extremely high in some common foods. Why hasn't the FDA looked into this more seriously? Don't think that a government agency is trying to protect you. Just follow the money trail. The pharmaceutical industry has bought them out. The FDA is a joke. You must take total responsibility for your own health, otherwise you're apt to lose it. For more info on Acrylamide, you can read an article at this link:

** What Will Motivate You to Unleash the Superbeing You Already Are? **

Pain is not the main reason you should learn about and do the raw food diet. But it is the main moivation for many raw foodists. They've dealt with allopathic medicine and even alternative medicine without success. They've had so many health problems and they only get worse with these so-called traditional methods.

Why go to doctors when we have Natures Operating Table, our own bodies. When we go on a raw diet or a fast, our inner doctor, our body, is actually operating on us. No knives, needles or drugs are needed. The body can remove its own tumors; it doesn't need a doctor to come in and operate, it can remove tumors without the body being cut open, drugged and irradiated. Now instead of wasting all its energy removing toxins, it can emphasize more on healing itself. There is no doctor alive that has the skills to do what the human body can do. Our bodies are self-healing if we would just let them do the job without interruption.

It took pain to get me to make many of the changes I've made to my diet over the years. Pleasure however, made me want to go 100% Raw because I realized all the amazing benefits I would experience by going 100%. It turned out even better than I thought. Let me tell you about some of the amazing benefits I experienced and how it all happened. I actually have to hold back because there were too many wonderful things that happened to me.

When I was about 13 or so, I read an advertisement about an amazing book that claimed to cure almost any disease with ordinary foods. For some reason at the early age I was very interested in staying young and being healthy. Most kids of that age aren't thinking about those things. But I never wanted to get old. Why should I, I thought. There must be a better way to an old chronological age.

That book was called, Rapid Healing Foods. After my father and I read that book, we went out and bought a juicer and a blender. We went shopping and bought all sorts of fruits and vegetables as well. It turns out that we had to throw out most of those fruits and vegetables because they were rotting in the fridge.

I had good intentions, but I never realized how much work juicing was. It was a funny thing. In the first book on nutrition I read, the author made a great recommendation. It was all about specific foods to heal ailments, but what he said was that every meal should be 80% raw fruits and vegetables on your plate.

So even in my first book on nutrition, I was learning about raw foods. Fortunately, I did make a couple of changes. I stopped drinking soda and eating pork after reading that book. I remember telling my mother I wouldn't eat her pork chops anymore. The ironic thing is that she was born into a Jewish family, but she didn't observe the Kosher laws. Nevertheless, the Jews, at least, knew something about nutrition.

Unfortunately, I didn't know enough about the raw food diet to save my mother from brain cancer and the needless operations and radiation therapy used to treat it. She died at 39 years of age. I believe she would have been alive today had she gone on a 100% Raw Food Diet. She completely trusted in the medical establishment, and look what it got her. The operations and radiation turned her into a vegetable. I wasn't living with her at the time she was undergoing all these operations and treatments. But, when I did go to visit her, I was shocked. I was actually scared to see my own mother because of how misshapen she had become. I was warned about how she would look, and I was scared to see her. She was also embarrassed at her own condition. Her body had become convulsed and bent out of shape, and she was drooling when she ate her food. Her arms and hands couldn't be held straight, and her face was all puffy, plus she didn't have her hair anymore.

One day she seemed in perfect health, the next day they tell her she's going to die unless she immediately gets an operation and radiation therapy. She has the operation and the radiation and that was the end of her within a year and a half. She actually lived much longer than the doctors thought she would.

How many millions of people live lives in pain and suffering with early deaths due to a simple ignorance of the laws of health? With a proper raw food diet, most diseases become a thing of the past. I've heard of testimonials from people healing virtually every major disease: diseases that are incurable according to medical science.

If you are suffering from diabetes or other sugar metabolism diseases, you can more than likely cure yourself very quickly. Believe it or not, the real culprit for these diseases is too much fat in the blood stream. I refer you to an article by Dr. Graham on this very topic. Make sure to scroll down to Dr. Graham's article "THE BAD NEWS ABOUT RAW FAT."

*** Pain Can Be a Great Motivator ***

It wasn't until I had real troubles in my life that I was forced to adjust my diet. I was just about ready to be graduated from college when my problems really began. I got to the point where I was so nervous that I couldn't digest my food at all. So I went to the health food store and found a book on food combining called Food Combining Simplified by Dennis Nelson. That little book was actually written by a Natural Hygienist (mostly a proponent of raw foods), but contained recommendations even for people who were eating the Standard American Diet.

That book got me eating fruit and that was the only thing I could eat for a while. Fruit is the easiest food to digest. But once those stressful situations resolved themselves, I stopped worrying about all this food combining stuff and pretty much went back to my normal diet.

Our favorite food in college was Breyer's Chocolate Chip Mint Ice Cream. My housemates and I ate that as if it were going out of style. I was easily able to finish one of those half-gallon containers in two nights or sooner by myself. It was so addictive.

I also learned about the delights of Thai food in college. I just loved that spicy food. For many years, I ate out at Thai restaurants an average of at least once a week. I adapted to making the meals quite spicy. The average American couldn't eat something as spicy as I was regularly eating.

*** The Pain of Living ***

I remember one time after college graduation when I was discussing something with my girlfriend. We both realized that we always had a slight emotional pain inside of us. I realized it was there for many years but until she brought it to my attention, I wasn't even aware of it. But the pain was definitely there. It was a feeling of impending doom. I asked several other people, and they said they had that feeling as well.

Do you ever feel that way? Both of us felt it was with us almost all the time. I had that pain for many years and didn't even realize it. Something funny happened on the 100% raw diet for me. That little subconscious feeling of doom and gloom is gone. I never have it anymore.

I used to do all sorts of meditation because it made me feel good. But on the raw food diet, I felt good all the time, so my meditation time went down quite a bit. Of course, now, I was able to get more things done here in this physical world because I wasn't spending nearly as much time meditating or visualizing.

Nowadays, I have a feeling of joy just being alive. No emotional pain at all, but just clarity and serenity and a clear consciousness all the time. I can work at a high level just about whenever I want. No more mental fog that I used to get after my dinners. I feel like singing out in joy. I'm so playful and I want to do lots of physical activities. It's hard to describe how vibrant I feel. But vibrant is a great word. My cells dance with pleasure at being alive. I call it happiness from the cellular level.

I remember going to a class in NYC. I was already doing the raw diet, but not 100% raw foods. But I tell you, I had a hard time being focused in the class because of the mental fog and subconscious fear. This was all due to the cooked food I was eating for dinner and the in-between meal snacks. I noticed many of the other students in this class were having similar merntal and emotional problems.

My first attempt at a 100% raw food diet came when I read Arnold Ehret's books, The Mucusless Diet Healing System and Rational Fasting.

I tried a diet of non-mucous forming foods for about 3 days. I felt great and my friend said I looked years younger. I also lost some weight. But I realized, I couldn't eat like this. Where's the flavor? I didn't come to this world to suffer, so I gave it up. At that time, I just couldn't imagine eating this way or how anyone could eat this this. Yet now, I do eat exactly the way Prof. Ehret recommended. I had to build up to eating this way.

The diet promised many wonderful benefits, but I couldn't stick to it. I had the motivation, but I didn't have enough knowledge. I didn't know I could make all sorts of gourmet tasting meals. In fact, I didn't know much. Although I had studied nutrition to a certain degree, I still had much to learn. Later on, I had to unlearn most of what I had learned about conventional nutritional theories. I even had to discard many of the raw food theories because they didn't work for me.

*** My Cure for Depression ***

In October of 1996, I made a stupendous discovery in my own life. I was told about the amazing book, Fit for Life, by my medical nutritionist doctor. After reading that book, I became convinced that fruit was our natural food. So I wasn't afraid of eating large quantities of fruit to sustain me.

Just by making my diet 50% raw foods an amazing thing happened to me. The very first day I did this, I overcame my depression and anxiety attacks of 6.5 years. Earlier during my depression, I realized that I was happiest on days when I was fasting, but I couldn't fast forever. It took me many years to figure out that it was my diet that was causing my depression.

Just a couple of years earlier, I remember having scoffed at the idea that food had anything to do with my mental state. Boy, was I completely wrong. It had everything to do with my mental state. The greatest spiritual realizations and clearest thinking happens on a fast. Raw foods are like fasting compared to the Standard American Diet (SAD).

In my travels, I've met many raw foodists and people wanting to live that lifestyle. I've been amazed at how many people have suffered from depression. I was at one support group meeting and at least half the people there had depression at one time or another. I feel that depression is rampant in our society and at least 90% of the population is probably experiencing some form of mental disorder. You are almost certain to not be at peak mental efficiency if you eat cooked foods.

If people were as I was, they wouldn't even admit to being depressed. I never told anyone except one person that I was experiencing depression. I was just too embarrassed to admit I had depression. I wouldn't even tell my doctors. I just told them I wasn't feeling so great but could never admit the "D" word. They didn't ask either.

The good news is that I've met several people who were on anti-depressant medications for many years, and just stopped taking them once they were eating raw foods. There is no need to suffer from depression and no need to take drugs. Our best drug is eating the correct foods for our constitutions. The drugs would simply like to do what the right foods would do, but the right foods don't have side effects.

*** Why Go 100% Raw? ***

You can improve much by eating 50 to 90% raw, but the biggest benefits happen once you go to 100%. Of course, you need to go one step at a time. Too big a change in many cases is counterproductive.

What you have to realize is that our bodies recognize cooked food as a poison. How can we operate maximally if every day we feed ourselves poison? I got only about 20% of the benefits of the raw diet when I wasn't 100%. After a month at 100%, so many other amazing things started happening to me.

Many of you, I'm sure, don't want to hear the following statement, but it is 100% true. Cooked food is poison. When we eat cooked foods, our white blood cell count goes up. When we eat raw foods it does not go up. In fact, traditional doctors worry about raw foodists because our white blood cell count is considered too low. But the problem is their baseline measurements are for people who are actually quite sick: the average cooked food eater.

I saw a video of live blood cell analyses for two people who were on a 100% raw diet for 2 months. Then they fed one, a piece of cooked chicken and the other, a piece of baked potato. As soon as they ate the cooked food all their blood cells clumped together in a single mass. Before that, they were free flowing. It was horrible to see. No words could describe the difference. But how could the blood flow properly when all the blood cells were clumped together like that? It took 24 hours before the blood cells became unclumped.

Just remember that cooked food is a poison and it is slowly ruining your life. It causes premature aging and a general ugliness. Why do you think so many people are overweight these days? It's not necessarily that they are overeating. It's more what they are eating.

On a raw diet, I ate as much as I wanted. Often times more than I needed to eat, but I ended up losing 23 pounds at one point and. I didn't even want to lose any weight.

But, there is something you need to know. When we ingest toxins, one of our bodys' places to store them is in our fat cells. If you are fat, it means you have lots of toxins in your system. I've yet to meet any obese 100% raw foodists, though some of them started the diet by being obese. It is very difficult to overeat on raw fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, it is very easy to overeat on raw fats.

At one point, I tried a raw diet that had at least 80% of calories from raw fat sources (though I don't recommend doing this) and still did not gain any weight. From experience, I know that if I eat potato chips and Doritos, I'd gain 5 pounds a week of fat, no problem.

I remember in the 1970s there were far fewer people who were overweight. I estimate about 1 in 4 people were overweight when I was growing up. I guess people were still eating fruits and salads in those days.

A friend told me an interesting piece of information. He said that when he went to Sweden in 1991, he saw no overweight people at all. He didn't see one fat person in his travels there. The Swedes have so much pride in their bodies. They never eat after 6 p.m. and, of course, they eat a Spartan amount of food. The whole country is obsessed with great health and fitness. If you're overweight and out of shape, it's because of your values.

*** Pleasure is a Lever ***

Now let me tell you why I switched to a 100% raw diet, and of how many times I tried to reach 100% before I was successful.

As soon as I read Fit for Life, I knew there must be a higher level to this Natural Hygiene System. Fit for Life was a book designed for the mass consciousness of the 1980s. The authors were not suggesting going to a 100% raw food diet.

I started searching out books that would tell me the ideal way to eat. In addition, I had already been exposed to Arnold Ehret's books. I tried to do a 100% raw food diet at least 5 times without being able to maintain it.

I knew how to motivate myself to do it; I just didn't know how to do the diet correctly. I had to unlearn everything I was ever taught about nutrition because it was mostly wrong, and it held me back from success.

The second time I tried the 100% raw diet was after reading Fit for Life. I started it in the winter and I was consuming about 70 to 80% of my calories from oranges.

Unfortunately, the books I had read to that point did not discuss the fact that oranges are a cooling food. I was getting so cold on that diet. Just one bite of a room temperature orange sent chills down my spine. Then, I went with some friends to the Poconos on New Years Eve.

I soon realized that they had a much better tolerance for the cold weather. I couldn't take it. Just a short time outside in the cold and I was chilled to the bone, even though I was warmly dressed. This led me to believe that I'd have to live in a warm climate to survive on a raw food diet. This turns out to be false. There are people in Alaska who thrive on a raw diet. You just have to know what you are doing. In fact, my tolerance for cold weather is great now.

I also had other problems that held me back. I was getting very skinny. I also got a flu that lasted 6 weeks. Again, a lack of knowledge was the culprit here. Had I known about pH balance, I would have known that I was either too alkaline or too acidic because I had muscle cramping. Muscle spasm is a sign of excess alkalinity or acidity.

My response in dealing with the flu was to fast as much as possible and stay on the raw diet. Had I simply found a way to get my Ph in balance, I'm sure it would have only lasted, at most, a couple of weeks. That flu was debilitating, and it took me far longer than six weeks to recover from that flu. I was never sick for more than a week and a half before. The simplistic theory was that my body was detoxifying. But, in reality, I was out of balance nutritionally, and that made me much more susceptible to sickness.

I also felt hungry all the time, and I didn't have as much energy as before. Of course, I stayed with the raw diet for a couple of months because I had many benefits, but the above mentioned problems made me decide to give up doing the diet at a 100% raw only level. I started to believe that it might be possible for some people to do it 100% raw, but that I could not do it, due to my genetic makeup. Again, I was doing the diet incorrectly, and I was misinformed.

Over time, I gained more information and tried going 100% raw several more times. Each time, I seemed to have fewer drawbacks than the time before, but the longest I could maintain 100% was about 2.5 months.

Eventually with the help of Dr. Graham, my wonderful friend Joel Brody, and via contact with other 100% raw foodists, I eventually learned how to overcome all these pitfalls.

I'm no longer cold in the winter. I have more energy than ever before. I've experienced at least 89% of the 35 benefits listed on the page: However, I'm still wearing glasses for distance. But I do have some alternate treatments and some success at improving my vision temporarily. There are natural alternatives for that, without doing an irreversible laser surgery.

I also must mention that I've met a couple of raw foodists who did not have the complete success they were hoping from this diet. One woman was on the raw diet for 3 years without any major improvements. Then her dentist told her to go to a chiropractor and this immediately helped her tremendously. Her spine was so out-of-whack that it affected her ability to absorb nutrients.

Another two year 100% raw foodist has a form of arthritis that is not going away. He's felt many improvements in his life. But his arthritis seems to do worse when he is indoors. Maybe he needs to do some more fasting, or maybe he has to make some adjustments in his raw diet.

The point I'm trying to make is that the raw diet itself won't cure everything. But it's as close to a panacea as I've ever discovered. Keep in mind that the diet must be done correctly to get the full benefits from it. It is possible to eat raw foods and not feel that great.

There are also other health factors. You should get plenty of sunshine, exercise, fresh air and rest as well. These are also important in maintaining good health. The Raw Diet alone is not enough to experience ideal health. However, it is in my experience the most important health factor and should be addressed first.

Here is the list of 35 benefits that many people experience on the raw food diet. There are other benefits I've recently discovered, but haven't added to the list yet. I've experienced at least 31 out of the 35 or 89% of them. I'll list those few I didn't experience at the end of this list.


1. Makes you smarter, and more creative. 2. Anti-Aging: Look and feel years younger. 3. Gives you increased energy levels. 4. Gives you incredible physical endurance. 5. You'll need less sleep 6. You're guaranteed to lose all the weight you want while eating as much as you want. Then you'll level out at a very healthy weight. (Technique has worked for thousands of people.) 7. Feel vibrantly happy from the cellular level. 8. Defeat depression and moodiness. 9. Many diseases and illnesses have been healed within a relatively short period of time. You may never need to go to a doctor again. Think of all the money you'll save on doctor bills. Some of the diseases that have been documented to be cured by this technique include cancer, heart disease, diabetes, depression, arthritis, asthma, colitis, psoriasis and too many others to list here. 10. Clear up all sinus problems and start breathing incredibly deep and satisfying breaths. Great for athletes. 11. You'll rarely ever get angry, and you won't have to even try to stop your anger. 12. Dramatically increase your level of spiritual awareness. 13. You'll improve the ecological system of the planet by using this technique. Most of the world's worst problems would be solved if all of mankind used this technique. 14. Eventually heal your eyesight, and throw out your glasses. 15. Overcome laziness and get much more work done. 16. Earn more money because of your superior energy, endurance, mental clarity and intelligence. 17. Decrease physical injuries due to exercise. 18. Play sports more competitively at a far more advanced age. 19. Lowers your blood pressure. 20. Lowers your pulse rate. 21. Become much more resistant to colds and flus. At first, you may get more of these, but that is your body cleaning house. 22. Dramatically strengthen your immune system, or, more accurately, your defense system. 23. Save money. 24. Save time. 25. Increased aerobic fitness. 26. Quicker recovery from workouts. 27. Lower Cholesterol. 28. Eliminate mental fog. 29. Increase your agility. 30. Increase your reaction speed. 31. Greater strength. 32. Work longer hours because: You can stand on your feet much longer without fatigue. 33. Eliminate infections naturally, without antibiotics. 34. Increased heat tolerance: I love the heat now and in summertime, I feel 10 degrees cooler than I used to. It's an unbelievable competitive advantage on hot and humid days. I don't even need air-conditioning unless it is over 98 degrees with high humidity. So I'm saving money on my electricity costs as well. 35. Eliminate your allergies

Out of all these benefits, I may not have experienced four of them. They are numbers 14, 29, 30, and 31. I know for sure # 14 hasn't improved. The other ones I haven't measured. All I know is that they aren't worse.

A very interesting thing happened every time I went back to eating 100% raw for at least a week. My gums would start getting much tighter. Whenever I ate a lot of cooked food, I'd get receding gum lines. The only thing that stopped this for me was the raw diet. One time when I went totally raw, my gums actually hurt me, they were so tight. But within a week I got used to this feeling.

Poor gum health is a signal that there is latent disease throughout your body and not just your gums. One of the first things that will clear up is the health of your gums. But you need to stay away from too many dried fruits, and raw nuts. Those can cause dental problems if you don't rinse your mouth out after eating these foods.

I also learned that when I ate totally raw, I didn't get infections. I had a cut that required 18 stitches on my left index finger. The doctors wanted to put me on antibiotics to stop any infections. I wasn't worried about infections at all because I knew my blood stream was clean. As it turned out, the finger didn't get infected and I didn't take antibiotics.

The simplest things like infections, doctors don't seem to figure out. This happens, of course, because most of them haven't studied or tried the raw food diet for themselves. The raw diet defeats the germ theory. It's not the germs that cause the diseases, it is our dirty insides filled with gunk that shouldn't be there. Then bacteria come in and feed on this mucous and toxins. They are actually doing us a favor by being our emergency garbage disposal systems. Most long-term raw foodists don't get colds anymore because their insides have already been cleaned out, and, therefore, the germs have nothing to clean up.

By the way, I don't mean to step on anyone's toes or to malign doctors. Most doctors are doing what they feel is best for their patients. Some have even learned of raw foods and become raw foodists themselves.

Anyway, I hope my partial story (as there is much more to it) will have inspired many of you to further pursue the laws of health. If you want guidance to make your transition to a raw diet as quickly and easily as possible, then continue reading below.


2. Coaching to: Learn how to lose weight effortlessly, defeat depression and disease; dramatically increase your energy, plus 32 other amazing benefits with one simple change.

Have you been trying to lose weight without success? I'll save you all the diet talk. I'm sure you've heard it all before. I can help you lose all the weight you want, and you'll do it without effort, and you can eat like a pig. In fact, you don't even have to think about dieting. However, you will change what you eat and how you prepare it

I provide the expert support and coaching you need to unleash the Superbeing inside of you. All you have to do is to start eating the Superbeing Diet:

What you'll get with Superbeing Diet Coaching:

1. You'll lose weight while eating a much higher volume of food than you ever did before. You'll learn to prepare gourmet meals in less than 10 minutes with a blender and some other kitchen utensils. You'll lose a minimum of 3 pounds per week once you transition to the 100% raw food diet.

Even if you just eat two raw meals a day, you will experience significant weight loss, provided you don't overeat your evening meal. There is virtually nothing you can do at first to stop the weight loss because your body is throwing out all the old materials and rebuilding itself with the perfect building blocks of raw foods.

2. Defeat depression in your life once and for all without drugs and with no psychological therapy necessary. I cured my depression of 6.5 years this way in 1996, and I've met at least 7 other people who have cured their depression. I've read of many more people who have cured it as well. You'll also feel much happier and more serene than you've ever felt in your life. You'll overcome your moodiness and become more spiritually attuned than ever. A healthy body simply doesn't go into a depression.

On top of this, you will experience many other health benefits. I've heard of and met people who have been healed of virtually every disease while on a raw food program. I've met people who have been healed of cancer, arthritis, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, hyperthyroidism, ulcerative colitis, arrhythmia, migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, candida albicans and Epstein-Barr.

I've also read of many other diseases being cured by the BODY while on a Raw Food Diet. The diet stops the toxic overload and provides the building blocks for health. But it is your body that does the curing.

Personally, I cured myself of depression and anxiety attacks, arthritis, psoriasis, candida albicans, and excess mucous in the lungs. In addition, I have much more energy, better fitness, and I look 10 years younger than I am. I'm not moody or lazy anymore. All of this by simply changing my diet. In fact, I've experienced much more than this. The Superbeing Diet is simply the most amazing thing that ever happened to me. Of course, it is only what the Ultimate Superbeing, God, intended for us to eat. God wanted us all to have this superior level of health and happiness but we've lost our instincts and common sense.

3. I guarantee you'll experience Peak Performance in your work and in sports activities. Once you've done the raw diet long enough, your body will be running with less internal friction. You'll be in better shape, have more energy, recover quicker, think more clearly all because you're running on pure fuels with no sticky substances to slow you down. As you progress, you'll need to eat much less food because your body will be running so much more efficiently.

I actually got into better shape without working out. My lungs cleared out tremendously, and I estimate I was able to breathe 20% more deeply. I ran faster than ever before because I had so much energy. Dr. Graham has trained professional, Olympic and World Record-breaking athletes with the 100% Raw Food Diet. It truly is a diet that unleashes the Superbeing inside of you.

More Success Stories:

I've helped several clients to lose weight by only eating two raw meals per day and still having a cooked meal in the evening. They all say how great they feel. I even got my brother to do the raw diet. He felt great on it and lost weight quickly. Every time he overdid it on the cooked food, he felt horrible. A good friend of mine tried it and lost his gut. Plus, he had so much more energy at work he was amazed and able to work long productive hours. Almost all my friends and family members are at least eating more fruit now. It works for just about everyone who tries it. The reason is that we were designed to eat this way and have not evolved to be able to eat heat-damaged foods.

I had another client who was amazed that she had lost her cellulite without exercising and not even doing the raw diet 100%. Some people have found that they were able to get by on much less sleep, even without going 100% raw. Each person is different, but all people eventually do better eating the raw foods of nature.

I was able to get Dennis Gabbert on a 100% Raw Food Diet. Here are some of the things he had to say:

"Eating this way makes it so I have had no desire or thought whatsoever of eating cooked food, rice or junk. Your consultation for me was brilliant. I know I can do this. I have felt much stronger emotionally on the diet. I have gotten no chest pains. I eat the fruits first. I believe doing the diet this way will eventually lead to my getting off salt and eating less nuts and seeds for maximum health. Thanks so very much. I feel your help to me was providential. I will be looking into the raw restaurant classes, and other assignments you suggested. I sometimes am slow in getting to everything."

"Thanks to you Roger, I have now been all raw over 3 weeks. This has worked remarkably well. I am 5' 10" and have weighed around 180 for a few years. On my old diet my weight went up 7 pounds, but now I weigh 170 without absolutely any effort."

THANK YOU again, Dennis Gabbert

These benefits and so many more are achievable on the Raw Food Diet. I've given you many of the techniques for free with the awesome technique report, but I know that many of you haven't been able to get to where you want to be with your health. You need support to cross over the initial challenges on the Superbeing Diet.

*** Here's why you will lose weight on a raw diet ***

1. Excess fat is due mostly to toxicity and not calories. One of the body's main storage areas for toxins is the fat cells. If you can't get rid of the toxins they will be stored in the fat cells. 2. On a raw diet it is hard to get fat because you will feel stuffed before you can possibly overeat. That is due to the extra fiber and water contained in raw vegan foods. On a raw diet, you have to eat much more by weight and volume than you are used to. So you will be very full and still consume fewer calories. All cooked food is dehydrated. That is why doctors recommend the extra 8 to 12 glasses of water per day. You won't need this with high water content foods. The extra water and fiber will make you full with far fewer calories. 3. You'll also feel more nourished and therefore won't want to eat as much. With cooked and processed foods, the nutrition is depleted and you'll tend to overeat because your body is desperately seeking more nutrients. Therefore, you end up overeating in your body's search for nutrients.

Nature designed our natural foods so we wouldn't overeat them. But because of our intelligence, we have created all sorts of dishes and concoctions that are ruining our health. According to Prof. Arnold Ehret, "We dig our graves with our teeth."

Okay, so you're convinced that you want to try the raw diet, or you've tried it but haven't been able to maintain it at a 100% level. This is where I can help you. I'll show you how to do the raw diet correctly. If you do it wrong, it might be hard to maintain for more than a couple of months. This happened to me 5 times, before I finally learned how to do it correctly. I wasn't successful until I had the right KNOWLEDGE and the SUPPORT I needed.

I knew how to motivate myself to make a change, but the change was not Ecological. I was doing the diet incorrectly and couldn't stay on it 100% and be healthy. So all the motivation in the world was not enough to maintain the diet.

** At Least Four Major Elements with which I'll Be Able to Help You **

1. Correct your misinformation. Misinformation was the main thing that held me back. I read so much that my information was conflicting. I needed to follow one basic system and stick to it, but I mixed and matched them too much. Later, once you have it down, you can learn as much as possible from as many different sources as necessary to widen your knowledge base.

2. Provide support and encouragement. This was another missing ingredient to my raw success. Support is actually the most important success factor for most people. I always had an experienced raw foodist to talk to when something phased me. I had advice on how to deal with my cravings. I had the reinforcement of that person already eating as I wanted to, and having done it successfully for a long time.

3. Give you the motivational tools you'll need to make the change easier. You'll get a chance to get the "Your Hidden Power," four week eClass when you sign-up for coaching as a valuable bonus worth $50.00. You'll get all the lessons and homework assignments but without the feedback from me. You'll learn the best techniques to motivate yourself to start new habits and let the old ones die out.

4. Help you do the raw diet correctly and to fine-tune it for optimal health and Peak Performance.

Why waste 6 to 10 years of your life trying to figure out how to do the raw diet correctly, when you can have an experienced coach as your guide? You can be experiencing super health and Peak Performance in 1 to 4 months.

You can actually harm yourself by doing the raw diet incorrectly. There are some food categories that you have to be very careful not to overdo. Most people will have to start with a transition diet. We have to consider your current condition before going "full steam" and eating 100% raw only.

I'll also prove to you that fruits are our ideal food, and that you shouldn't be afraid of overeating fruit. This is a big misconception in the raw food community. Fruit has been maligned badly and unfairly. Fruit is not the problem. It is actually something else.

Have you ever met anyone who was overweight from eating mostly fruit? How about someone who got diabetes from eating fruit? More than likely not. Fruit is very healthy, it has nutrients along with the simple sugars it contains so that you properly metabolize the sugars. Our brains and our bodies run most efficiently on simple sugars coming from fruits. I wouldn't be overly concerned with the glycemic index either. That may be throwing you off track unnecessarily.

*** Eat the Best Tasting Food in the World ***

I'll show you how to love the raw diet. You can prepare gourmet meals with the most unbelievable flavors in 10 minutes or less. Not only that, but I've come up with recipes that use only the healthiest ingredients. Some of the raw food recipes out there actually make me sick, and many don't use all raw ingredients.

These recipes are quite easy to learn. I'll show you some of the principles of raw food preparation, and that will help you to create and modify your own recipes.

Eventually (in a year or so) your body will become so clean that you won't need or want fancy recipes. But they are great as a transitional tool. Once your body has gotten rid of all the cooked food toxins, you won't be addicted anymore.

Cooked food is definitely an addiction. It is a bad addiction because most of your family and friends actually think it is good for them. At least with alcohol or drugs, you know it is bad and can remember a time when you weren't addicted to those drugs. You've been addicted to cooked food all your life.

There are many emotional addictions associated with eating as well. But don't worry. I have the techniques to make the transition a breeze. Simply changing your mental focus in a certain way dramatically reduces the initial cravings you'll have for cooked foods.

Let me tell you about a dream I had. In my dream, I was living with my father and he was supporting me financially. I did something against his house rules, so he decided to punish me. The punishment was that I had to eat cooked foods for a week. I told him, "No way!" and that I was moving out of the house immediately. So eating raw foods was more important to me than my financial security.

In the first 6 months or so of the 100% raw diet, I actually had dreams where I was eating cooked foods. I always felt guilty. But it showed I still wasn't over the addiction. Once the addiction to cooked food is gone you won't have these dreams of eating cooked foods anymore.

*** Are You Thinking About Having a Baby? ***

Then you'll want to be as healthy as possible. You must give yourself at least 6 months before pregnancy if you want to be 100% raw. But it really is a crime to bring a baby into this world without the parents being as healthy as possible. Also, a raw pregnancy is much easier and less painful. Your children will be so much happier and healthier. Your baby's health starts with you, even before conception.

Why Do I Need Coaching?

Why can't I just read a book or read your report and do the Superbeing Diet? Well, you certainly can do that. I recommend you try it and hopefully it will be enough for you to succeed. But if you are having problems and can't seem to quite get it right, it would be much easier with the help of someone who knows how to change habits, and someone who is doing the diet successfully himself.

I've been doing the raw diet since 1996 and have been 100% raw since August 30, 2001.

Personally, I was not able to do the diet with books alone. I needed support and guidance from a person I could communicate with on a regular basis. I knew how to provide the motivation, but my knowledge wasn't completely there. Much of the knowledge only comes by actually doing it successfully and being guided by an experienced raw foodist.

I was afraid of eating too much sugar from fruits. That was a huge obstacle to success. I was also overly afraid of hybridized fruits. Now I know that any fruit that has ever been eaten has been hybridized by nature. Very few people in the world have actually eaten a banana that was hybridized by man. This I learned from a lecture by leading raw food advocate and sports nutritionist, Dr. Douglas Graham.

I also know that I can make up for the lack of minerals in modern fruit by eating dark leafy greens. Without bananas, I wouldn't have been successful on a 100% raw diet. I would have been extremely weak and thin if I tried to get most of my calories from raw vegetables. Vegetables are too calorie lean to enable me to get the equivalent in calories that I was used to, from eating only them.

It was so important when I was going through the early detoxification stages to have someone to tell me not to worry about my early detoxification symptoms. I thought it was a sugar problem, but it quickly went away. In addition, when you are speaking with someone who eats totally raw, it just rubs off on you.

The same principle held true to making improvements in my life. I made very little progress until I joined a group with regular meetings. Once I was in contact with people who were successful with the changes I wanted to make, I started being able to realize those changes. Reading books alone at first was not enough. Later, once I caught the basic principles, I was able to be successful by simply reading. But that wasn't the case with the raw food diet.

A very small percentage of people are successful without the support. Most of us eventually fall back into our old habits and addictions to cooked food.

The hardest part of doing the raw diet is in the first month. Once you can get through the first month, you'll need less support and coaching. But I recommend staying in touch with raw foodists as much as possible. It is so easy to be scared off by someone who doesn't know anything about raw foods. Don't even discuss your diet at first with people who may be antagonistic towards it. The more you hear about and see people being successful, the more likely you'll be able to succeed long term.

*** Coaching Offer ***

Here is my special Holiday Coaching and Support Offer for you. I want to make you an offer you simply can't refuse, an offer that is well worth it. I want to be able to help as many people as possible. So for a limited time, I'm offering my coaching and support for an extremely reduced price. I'm hoping this price will get many more of you to try the Superbeing Diet.

I also know that some of you won't want to make a change right now because of the holidays. You can reserve your coaching now at this ridiculously low price. Even if you can't afford this price, I'll work something out with you. Maybe we can barter, or maybe you can help me with something. The main thing is that as many people as possible learn how to do what may be the most important thing they ever do for themselves.

I also suggest that you give this as a gift to someone you know who is interested in improving his or her health. I stand behind my consulting and support all the way. If you don't feel it has helped you within the first 30 days, I'll give you all your money back.

I have two levels of coaching. The basic level is done via email. I'll give you all the support you need, answer any question. I'll find out what you are eating and what your goals are for raw foods. I'll give you all the "tricks of the trade." This email support is quite extensive and involves at least 3 to 5 hours of my time in helping you.

I'll also include over 70 of my previous consultation emails. In them you'll learn from the mistakes and questions of my clients (who will remain anonymous) to speed your learning along. You'll also get special reports and the links to articles that will give you the results you are seeking. There is a whole book's worth of information in these emails.

I'll even include the Raw Food Equivalents of Cooked Foods. Almost all the foods you are used to can be prepared with raw food uncooking methods. I've even eaten raw lasagna (wheat free) that was as good as the real thing. Many of the dishes actually taste better because the ingredients haven't been destroyed by cooking.

You'll learn why you get more than enough protein on a raw diet. You'll also learn why you should actually be worried about getting too much protein. I'll cover the B12 myths. People have so many worries and concerns about raw foods, but in these emails, I'll show how these concerns can all be eradicated. I'll show you easy ways to prepare quick, tasty and healthy raw meals. Another important consideration is knowing how to tell when certain fruits are ripe. Many people dislike certain varieties of fruit because they've never eaten them in their ripe state. This is of major importance for people who are not used to eating fruit.

I'll give you contacts on how to get good fruit either locally or via mail order.

In short you'll get everything you need to succeed via email.

But I really recommend, if you can afford it, that you go for the Telephone Consultations with the same email support. Talking to someone is even more convincing than just going back and forth via email. You'll get at least four, 45 to 60 minute telephone consultations per month. You'll call me at a pre-arranged time. If necessary, you can call me more often. My main concern is that you are successful. I love talking about the Superbeing Diet. A half hour consultation sometimes turns into an hour and a half because I want to make sure my client gets as much information as possible.


Email only consultations for 1 month: regularly $100 per month. Since I don't have unlimited time to do these consultations, there is a limited supply. But if you act by Friday December 20th, I should be able to honor the low price of $33, or only 1/3 the price. I can't guarantee it because I can't tell how much demand there will be. But I'll do my best to get in as many people as possible. You can only buy one month at this price per person. But you can buy more for friends and family members at this price.

Telephone and Email Consultations: The normal price for this service is $225 per month. But during this holiday time, I'm offering it for only $75, or 1/3 the price. Again, you have to order by Friday, December 20, 2002. Please keep in mind that you will make the phone calls to me. So if you live outside the United States, it may be an expensive phone call. What we could do is to set up voice chat sessions over the Internet, if you are set up to do that. I use Yahoo Messenger. Alternatively, we can do regular chat sessions with typing.

You can send me a check or money order in US dollars made out to me: Roger Haeske.

Roger Haeske A-1 Riverview Dr. South River, NJ 08882

My telephone number is: 1(732)-432-4839 I'll also be setting up a link to pay via credit card, but haven't had time to set it up yet. I'll email you the link once it is up and running. Contact me via email at: rh(at) .

Keep in mind that I am not offering medical advice. I'm just showing you how to eat the diet that mankind was designed to eat. The sicker you are and the more medications you have taken in your life, the slower we'll have to transition into the raw diet. I don't guarantee any specific healings of disease or how long it will take. It is all up to your body, but what I've seen is just amazing.

Also, many of you will at first not want to go 100%. That is fine with me, and probably best for most people starting out. I'll, of course, try to convince you down the road to take it to the next level; but that is up to you. You can get some great results at less than 100% raw. The most fantastic results, however, can only come when you go 100% raw. It's a psychological leap for many, but is much easier once you have tried the raw diet at the transition levels.

I wish you all a very healthy and happy Holiday Season. Please email me if you have any more questions.

mailto: rh(at) 


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Roger Haeske is the founder and author of, the site that is helping thousands of people from around the world to "Unleash Their Hidden Superpowers and Unlock Their Unlimited Potential for Peak Performance, Radiant Health and Happiness."

Roger is the original -- Superbeing Coach and author of the Your Hidden Power eClass. This comprehensive Spiritual Self-Improvement Program will transform you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. You'll learn how to be happy without even trying, experience radiant health, and to live the life of your dreams. Email Roger at to schedule a free half-hour telephone consultation.

Roger is also the author of the revolutionary book, Infinite Tennis: that is turning hackers into tennis geniuses. He shows them the mental techniques to uncover their full athletic and tennis potential.

How I improved and am improving my life with these ebooks.

How to Get a Raise Without Forcing Yourself to Work Hard.


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Nothing in this newsletter is intended to constitute medical advice or treatment. In the the event you use this information without your doctor's approval, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your constitutional right, but the author and the publisher assume no responsibility. It is not the intent of the author to diagnose or prescribe.


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How to have Radiant Health and Happiness

The Lightning Speed Program

Discover Your Very Own Secret Genie

The Secret Technique for Rapid Weight Loss, Radiant Health, Super Athletic Performance, Success, Spiritual, Mental and Emotional Health

How to Discover Your Switch to Unlimited Success in Life

The Easiest Way to Improve Your Efficiency Without Forcing Yourself to Work Hard

Improve Your Personal and Business Life

My Most Productive Day Ever

How to Improve Your Life by Reevaluating Your Values

Easy Changes to Improve Your Life

The Groundhog Day Technique

The Ultimate Superbeing

An Easy Way to Motivate Yourself

Can you Eat Like a Pig and Still Lose Weight?

Save Time with Magic Questions



© 2004, Roger Haeske, All rights reserved. Please contact the author if you would like to include one of these articles in your publication.

rh(at) Please just replace the (at) with the @ sign.

Superbeing Training
Roger Haeske
A-1 Riverview Dr.
South River, NJ 08882