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Have Fun While Losing Weight*
© 1999 Roger Haeske

Is losing weight a real struggle for you? Do you find it hard to discipline yourself to maintain a healthy weight and a good diet? Do you ever wonder why it is easy for some people to stay thin, but so difficult for you? This article will give you techniques to make losing weight a pleasurable thing. The human mind has the incredible power to turn pain into pleasure and vice versa. The key is learning how to associate pleasure in your mind to eating properly and exercising. You also need to associate massive pain to stuff like eating 2 bags of potato chips, and eating half a chocolate cake. I use these techniques all the time, for my clients and myself.

I used these techniques to motivate myself to start a Raw-Food Diet. I did the diet for health reasons, but I lost 8 pounds of fat, and ate as much as I wanted to, without even trying to lose weight. I also conquered another problem, which for many people is easy, getting up early in the morning. I found this difficult because I didn’t have to go to work early. I simply had to set my mind to it and not give up until I got an answer. It took persistent and daily use of the incredible power of Focused Questions. Now I actually love getting up early, and on top of that I’m not tired anymore when I wake up.

Focused Questions Technique: Write down the answers to these questions. By writing you will come up with ideas you never thought of. It’s much more effective than just thinking about it.

1) Analyzation Questions:

a) Why specifically, do I overeat, eat fatty foods, and or not exercise?

b) When have I been thin? When have I been successful in losing weight? Why? How can I apply that now?

c) What needs do I fulfill by eating? Am I trying to make myself happy? Could I make myself happy in other ways?

2) Pain Inducing Questions:

a) What will my life be like in 5 years if I don’t lose the weight? (In 10 years?)

b) How will being overweight negatively affect my relationships with others and myself?

c) What kind of activities will I not be able to do?

d) Could being overweight lead to disease and early death. (Studies prove this to be true.)

e) Would being overweight limit my career options and ability to get jobs?

3) Pleasure Inducing Questions:

a) How can I lose weight and make it enjoyable?

b) How can I replace fatty foods with life giving lighter foods and still enjoy myself?

c) How can I make daily exercise something I love to do and wouldn’t want to miss?

d) How can I make being thin my top priority?

e) How can I start off slowly, so that I don’t get discouraged?

f) What strategies do thin people use to stay thin?

4) Use these questions to stimulate your creativity and help you motivate yourself to the point where you enjoy being thin and couldn’t imagine living any other way. Make up your own questions. You don’t always have to write them down. Simply having a burning question will get your subconscious to work for you in getting a solution. I’ve solved hundreds of problems in this manner.

Nothing in this report is intended to constitute medical advice or treatment. Because there is always some risk involved, the author of this report is not responsible for any adverse detoxification effects or consequences resulting from the use of any suggestions or procedures described in this report

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Roger Haeske is the author of the revolutionary book Infinite Tennis: http://www.supertennis.net/itennis 

He is the founder of http://www.superbeing.com, the site that will help you to "Unleash Your Hidden Superpowers and Unlock your Unlimited Potential for Peak Performance, Radiant Health and Happiness."

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Unleash your Infinite Potential with Magic Questions: http://www.superbeing.com/magicquestions.htm 

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02/22/2005 Date this website was last updated. 
© 1999 - 2005, Roger Haeske  

For more information email rh(at)superbeing.com.
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